Thursday, November 4, 2010

Industrial Accident... Or Waves Are Ever-Changing...

This is how The Wave originally looked...
this is what it looks like after a little accident today:
My "gallery space" for this project is a vacant storefront. It's a lovely space--big, with lots of windows. Occasionally work goes on here when I'm not present. I know this because lights are left on and doors are left open, or construction materials stuck in offices off the main room are moved about. All three tell-tale signs of activity were there today... but the main evidence was laying the middle of the floor. Oops! The Wave fell over.

Admittedly, I made the damage worse by not waiting until I had at least three people to right it. With only two of us lifting, it twisted and split in the middle. Out came the hot glue gun and scissors! Now The Wave is a bit shorter and longer...

Well, real waves are never the same moment to moment. Waves of change are no different: always in flux. So the fact the a sculpture that symbolizes change in the Church should shift and move is really very appropriate.

The Wave is still available for viewing on Saturdays (1-5 p.m.) but don't be surprised if it flows into even yet another form...

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